Making it Work

Meet Sarah Browne, the woman on a mission to get us eating more oysters at home

Browne’s company, Oysome, is using an events-based approach to get more people trying oysters at home as the vast majority of the industry’s output is exported

Sarah Browne: says oysters ‘are associated with famine times and people have a bad image about them that we’re trying to change’. Picture: Anita Murphy

Sarah Browne is on a mission to get you to eat oysters, lots of oysters. While a popular restaurant option, Browne’s business Oysome is using an events-based approach to get more people trying oysters at home.

“We’re focused on celebrating Irish oysters and bringing them together with other Irish produce. We are creating oyster experiences for people and showcasing oysters in a way that they haven’t been before. We’re giving them the kind of platform they deserve,” Browne told the Business Post.