This Working Life: ‘Work is supposed to be fun and doesn’t have to be serious all of the time’ – Clara Walsh, head of customer and employee experience at Workvivo

Clara Walsh of Workvivo believes in being yourself at work, tackling each task wholeheartedly and checking in regularly with colleagues to see how they are doing and if they need help

Clara Walsh of Workvivo: ‘I want to love and enjoy what I’m doing, and I’ve been really fortunate in that I’ve never had a job I didn’t like.’ Picture: John Allen

Clara Walsh is head of customer and employee experience at Workvivo, the employee communications firm. Before Workvivo she worked in innovation at State Street, the financial services company, and as a software developer at CoreHR. She has a degree in business and information systems and a master’s in fintech innovation and blockchain.

I am just coming up on four years at Workvivo, an employee communications app developer, and it’s been an incredible journey to date. ...