My Story So Far

‘A mentor saw something in me that maybe I hadn’t seen myself’ – Teresa Arbuckle, Beko

Teresa Arbuckle was advised early on in her career to take on roles that allowed her to lead, but she doesn’t advocate just telling people what to do; instead the MD of Beko prefers to get consensus among a team

Teresa Arbuckle, managing director of Beko Plc UK/Ireland: ‘The biggest piece of advice I can give on interviewing is prepare, prepare, prepare. Know what the interview is about, know what the company does’

Teresa Arbuckle is managing director of Beko Plc UK & Ireland. She joined the company in 2011 as marketing director and was promoted to her current role in 2015. She is also the chair of the Association of Manufacturers of Domestic Appliances, assuming leadership of the association in April 2018, and has a particular focus on sustainability

I have very different views on the world now than I did when I started my career. At ...