Susan O'Keeffe: An open letter to @realDonaldTrump

'I wondered whether you’d worked out by now that, well, you’ll be bored by #Christmas'

Donald Trump. Will he be bored by Christmas? Pic: Getty

Dear @realDonaldTrump

Consider this an open ‘long read’ @realDonaldTrump #trump @Twitter letter. I know you only follow family and Trump business on @Twitter – but you do love having 15.8 million @Twitter followers. By the time I’ve finished the letter, you might be up to 16 million, but always remember, @katyperry has 94.2million followers. I know how competitive you are.

It’s just that you’ve had just over a fortnight now, playing around, largely on @Twitter, with the notion ofbecoming the leader of the Free World and I wondered whether you’d worked out by now that, well, you’ll be bored by #Christmas. Bored having to talk nicely to people, bored smiling and sticking your thumb up constantly and especially bored with all the paper work. For all I know, you’re already boredmaking appointments to very powerful positions. Now that a few of your like-minded offensive mates are in the playroom with you, can you be bothered to look for the thousands more that you need? You can hardly sub-contract those decisions after all.