
Sara Keating: Spectacular reimagining of Frankenstein is guided by voices

Battersea Arts Centre and BAC Beatbox Academy have updated Mary Shelley’s novel into an intense experience powered entirely by the human throat

Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster. Conrad Murray and David Cumming’s modern musical retelling of the classic tale is infectiously energetic and electrifying from start to finish

Mary Shelley’s 1818 horror novel gets a radical retelling in Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster, a unique presentation from Battersea Arts Centre and BAC Beatbox Academy. The intense 80-minute performance offers an impressionistic updating of the book’s themes for the digital age.

The idea of the monster is reflected in contemporary form by the enemies we make online, as we ostracise others for their difference, as we celebrate image over substance. What really distinguishes ...