
‘Regrets? Not taking advantage of my New Zealand passport and emigrating there when I was younger’ – former soldier Karina Molloy

The Defence Forces’ first female senior non-commissioned officer originally wanted to be a criminal forensic pathologist, but the universe had other ideas

Karina Molloy on the afterlife: ‘I believe that our souls live on, but in an incomprehensible form not recognisable by the human consciousness.’ Picture: Christina J Irwin

Karina Molloy played many pioneering roles during her 31 years as a member of Ireland’s Defence Forces. In 1981, the outdoors enthusiast from Ardara, Co Donegal, was a member of its first platoon of women. She joined international peacekeeping missions in Lebanon, Bosnia, Eritrea and Chad, eventually becoming the army’s first female senior non-commissioned officer.

Now Molloy has done the state her most important service yet – as a whistleblower. She is part of the ...