
Anton Savage: New Bic campaign rolls naughty innuendo into something meme-worthy

A Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart campaign for Bic lighters has sparked a new conversation about brand relevance

US celebrity chef Martha Stewart and hip hop star Snoop Dogg feature in an ad campaign for Bic lighters that shows how weird marketing has become in the clickbait age

Bic Lighters appear to have made a brave choice: they’ve seemingly opted to position their products as being perfect for marijuana. Never mind wood-burning stoves or bonfires.

Pearse Dart station was recently festooned with a billboard depicting the rapper Snoop Dogg and US TV megastar chef Martha Stewart flogging the French conglomerate’s plastic lighters.

It is part of an ad campaign that shows how weird marketing has become in the click-bait age. Brands can no ...