
Skin expert Eavanna Breen: ‘autumn is the perfect time to safely undergo skin treatments’

Skin treatments like laser and facial peels have their seasonal prerequisites – aesthetician and facialist Eavanna Breen explains why

Facialist and aesthetician Eavanna Breen is one of the leading skin experts in Ireland and offers facial, laser, and hair removal treatments in her namesake clinic in Dublin 2

As the mercury drops and we set ourselves up for the new season, it’s not just your wardrobe that should undergo an autumn transition – your skincare routine should too.

Autumn is the perfect time to invest in rejuvenating facial peels and laser treatments, according to facialist and aesthetician Eavanna Breen, who is the clinical director of her namesake Eavanna Breen Skin and Laser Clinic on Leeson Street, Dublin 2.

Breen has been at the forefront of the Irish beauty and skincare industry for almost 30 years, and is a favourite of Irish names like Thalia Heffernan, Greg O'Shea, Samantha Mumba, Holly Carpenter, and Erica Cody. Here, Breen tells Irish Tatler why the new season is the perfect time to safely undergo skin treatments such as peels and laser treatments, without worrying about sun damage or sensitivity.

Sun exposure reduction

With the summer sun behind us, autumn brings a much-needed break from intense UV radiation. Sun exposure can make the skin sensitive and vulnerable to certain treatments, but during the autumn months, the risk is significantly reduced. This means you can safely undergo treatments without worrying about sun damage or excessive skin sensitivity.

Repair and renew

Autumn is all about renewal, and your skin should be no exception. Facial peels, such as glycolic acid or lactic acid peels, are an excellent choice during the autumn months.

These treatments help remove dead skin cells, reduce hyperpigmentation, and stimulate collagen production, leaving your skin looking fresh, radiant, and ready for the holiday season.

“The decision to start chemical peels should be based on individual skin concerns and the guidance of a skincare expert to ensure safe and effective treatments,” Breen says

The frequency of chemical peels and the ideal age to start depends on individual skin types, concerns, and goals. Generally, chemical peels can be done every four to six weeks, with a series of treatments often recommended for optimal results.

Consulting with a qualified skincare professional who can assess your skin’s specific needs and recommend a personalised plan tailored to your age, skin condition and desired outcomes is essential.

As for the ideal age to start chemical peels, there isn't a specific age requirement. Peels can address various skin concerns, from acne scars and hyperpigmentation to fine lines and uneven texture.

People in their late teens to early twenties might seek chemical peels for acne-related issues, while those in their thirties and beyond may use them for anti-ageing purposes.

The decision to start chemical peels should be based on individual skin concerns and the guidance of a skincare expert to ensure safe and effective treatments. Using the Skinmade smart spectrum, we can measure your skin’s collagen, lipids and hydration level, clearly showing exactly what your skin needs before we begin any treatment.

Laser treatments shine brighter

Laser treatments, like laser hair removal, skin resurfacing, and tattoo removal, are also best done in autumn when your skin isn't exposed to direct sunlight. The cooler months provide a more comfortable environment for post-treatment recovery, as you won't have to worry about extreme heat or sunburn.

“Most laser treatments require multiple sessions, and results may not be immediate, so starting early in autumn ensures you'll see optimal results by the time the holiday season arrives,” Breen says

Start planning for laser in early autumn

While the autumn season is a fantastic time for laser treatments, it's essential to plan ahead. Most laser treatments require multiple sessions, and results may not be immediate, so starting early in autumn ensures you'll see optimal results by the time the holiday season arrives.

Consider a consultation

Before scheduling any facial peel or laser treatment, it's advisable to consult with a qualified skincare professional. They can assess your skin's unique needs and recommend the most suitable treatment plan for you.

Whether you're looking to refresh your skin with a peel or bid farewell to unwanted hair with laser hair removal, now is a good time to take action. Autumn's gentle climate and reduced sun exposure make it the perfect season for rejuvenation.

You can book a skin consultation with Eavanna Breen at