Ian Guider: A global climate change war chest is unlikely to materialise

The worlds of finance and business are rewarded for making profit now, not for saving the planet. Until that changes, the goals of Cop26 will be doomed to failure

People take part in a ‘Global march for climate justice’ in Milan while environment ministers meet ahead of Glasgow’s Cop26 summit. Picture: Reuters

There’s nothing like an international jamboree, and Cop26 last week certainly proved that. Global leaders were visible by the size of their motorcades. Billionaire entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos flew in by private jet, having spent time on the superyacht rented by Bill Gates, another tech titan.

Leonardo DiCaprio added a dash of Hollywood glamour, while teenage activist Greta Thunberg was protesting outside. Missing from Cop26, however, were the money men (and they are still mostly ...