
Lucinda Creighton: From the jaws of victory, Sinn Féin manage to grasp defeat with United Ireland call

DUP had the best week the party has had in quite a few years while Sinn Féin, by contrast, botched the news that the Assembly would finally resume

The prospect of Michelle O’Neill being named first minister was overshadowed by Sinn Féin’s call for a united Ireland. Picture: Pacemaker

After countless false dawns, it was easy to believe that a power sharing deal in Northern Ireland could not be achieved without an imposed election.

The frustration in London and Dublin in recent months was palpable, as every time senior figures in the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) indicated a deal might be close, whatever momentum was there seemed to peter out just as quickly as it had gathered.

This week’s deal which leads to the ...