
Kerry Group boss Edmond Scanlon’s bonus trebles to €1.3m

The chief executive’s total pay for 2023 was €4.6 million

Edmond Scanlon, the chief executive of Kerry Group, received €4.6 million in pay last year as his bonus plan kicked. Picture: Bryan Meade

Edmond Scanlon, the chief executive of Kerry Group, received a bonus of €1.3 million in 2023, up from €416,000 the previous year as his long-term incentive plan (LTIP) matured.

Scanlon’s base salary mildly increased in the year and his overall payout rose over 17 per cent to €4.6 million in pay last year.

The LTIP, a policy for rewarding executives for reaching specific goals, ran for three years to 2023.

The remuneration committee is proposing ...