
Businesses in Dublin city told no more need for bin bags on streets following warning to waste companies

Waste collection services are to contact businesses shortly to provide BagBins, collapsible enclosures that protects bags of waste from being opened or causing a hazard

Legislation requiring the use of bins instead of bags was introduced in 2016, however businesses on more than 1,000 streets in the capital were exempt from the new rules because their properties were deemed unsuitable for bins. Picture: RollingNews.ie

Businesses in Dublin city centre have been told they will no longer be forced to place bin bags outside their premises in an effort to reduce litter and interference from wildlife.

In a letter to businesses, Richard Guiney, chief executive of business group Dublin Town, said that waste companies had been told they must now provide a practical alternative to unprotected bags being left on city centre streets.

Bagged waste will no longer be allowed ...