
‘A matter of urgency’: Sinn Féin says government must prioritise new public sector pay deal

As public sector pay agreement expires for the first time without a successor deal in decades, Louise O’Reilly describes situation as ‘incredibly destabilising’

Louise O’Reilly, Sinn Féin spokeswoman on Enterprise, Trade and Employment. ‘This is a total failure of the government’. Picture: RollingNews

The expiry of the public sector pay deal this week has been described by Sinn Féin as “a total failure of the government” and “incredibly destabilising for industrial relations”.

Louise O’Reilly, Sinn Féin spokeswoman on Enterprise, Trade and Employment, was reacting to the expiry of Building Momentum, the 2021 public sector pay deal, which was extended to the end of 2023 but expired on Monday without a new deal in its place. It is the first ...