Gripping chronicle of 15 stolen years

Biography: Life After Life: A Guildford Four Memoir: By Paddy Armstrong with Mary-Elaine Tynan, Gill Books, €17.25

Birmingham Six member Paddy Hill (left) and Guildford Four member Paddy Armstrong (front right) carry the coffin of Gerry Conlon, who was wrongly convicted of the 1974 IRA Guildford pub bombing, at his funeral in June 2014 PIc: PA

On the night of October 5, 1974, two pubs were bombed in Guildford. The pubs – the Horse & Groom and the Seven Stars – were popular with British Army personnel stationed at a nearby barracks. Five people were killed. At the same time, in Kilburn, a Belfast native named Paddy Armstrong was getting stoned in the squat he shared with his teenage girlfriend, Carole Richardson. Seven weeks later, Armstrong was arrested and ...