Cocktail Cabinet no. 4: Whiskey Sour

There should be little simpler than a Whiskey Sour. Along with the Martini, it should be your knight in shining armour when faced with an unexpected guest. Unfortunately, the ingredients are not without controversy; I’m speaking, of course, of the ra

For an absolutely true Whiskey Sour, the white of an egg is required for its silky smoothness, creamy foam and luscious counterpoint to the sour heart. However, it is not vegan-friendly, nor does it come with a salmonella-free guarantee. But, if you’re happy to take the risk, here follows the recipe.

Whiskey Sour

25ml/a measure of freshly squeezed lemon juice

2tsp of sugar dissolved in 2tsp of water, made up to 25ml to balance ...