
Dating in your 40s: ‘On a Tuesday he comes over, has a lovely meal and a sleepover, then we see each other in a week’

Dating after separation, divorce or as a co-parent are just some of the challenges in meeting someone in your 40s, says divorce and relationship coach Amy Dixon

To prepare for dating in 2023, some divorcees are spending hundreds or even thousands of pounds on coaches: people who help them get through the legal steps of a separation and then prepare for life beyond

When her 20-year marriage ended in 2018, Kathryn Dunn discovered that dating was not as she remembered it.

Technology and a shifting culture had upended the standards of etiquette she had been familiar with.

Once upon a time, the 57-year-old civil servant met potential partners through friends, at parties or while out on the town — a world where flirting was mostly done politely. By comparison, online dating felt like the Wild West.

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