Up for Debate

Up for debate: The best from the Business Post’s columnists

Insightful and stimulating analysis of the main developments in business and politics from Elaine Byrne, Pat Rabbitte, Tony O’Brien and more

Michael Collins has entered popular culture in a manner that no other Irish politician has managed to do. His death at just 31 has placed him forever in the pantheon of what might have been. Picture: Getty

Elaine Byrne: FF and FG’s veneration of Collins is also an attack against a shared enemy

The Taoiseach and Tánaiste’s joint oration on Sunday is the first time in history that the leaders of the Civil War parties have come together to acknowledge Michael Collins’ legacy but another factor in their united stand is the electoral threat posed by Sinn Féin.

Vincent Boland: Disney’s magic kingdom finds itself at the centre of a culture war