Up for Debate

Up for debate: The best from the Business Post’s columnists

Insightful analysis of the main developments in business and politics from our team of writers, including Matt Cooper, Elaine Byrne and Dan O’Brien

Liz Truss, the British prime minister who stepped down last week after a record short stint in the job: still indulging the Brexit fantasy even in resignation. Picture: PA

The best Ireland can hope for in a Britain untethered from reality is a quiet deal on access to the EU, but we might have to wait.

Elaine Byrne: GAA needs to take a long, hard look at this growing culture of violence

The sports body must address frequent violent incidents at matches – including children’s games – and the use of language which downplays the behaviour.

Dan O’Brien: How much is post-Brexit ‘trade destruction’ costing this country?

Twenty months of trade data since Britain left the EU indicates that so far the news for the Republic is good – but it may not be set to remain that way.

Vincent Boland: Is Goldman Sachs facing its own bonfire of the vanities?

The travails of the old titan of Wall Street suggest that investment banking has peaked and that it, and the bank, may soon face a reckoning.

John Walsh: An ‘extreme right-wing government’ here? Sinn Féin’s claim doesn’t stand up to scrutiny

The Irish tax system is the most progressive in the European Union, housing policy is failing through ineptitude rather than lack of money aimed at it and being pro-business generates the wealth necessary to meet spending commitments.