Editor's picks

Editor’s picks: sit down with our best long reads for the weekend

Our editors handpick some of the best writing in today’s Business Post – including an in-depth story on Sinn Féin’s attempts to win over Ireland Inc, and more details on the ongoing issues at Altada

Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Féin party leader: the party could find itself in government after the next election. Picture: Getty

Power play: How Sinn Féin got onside with Ireland Inc

From meeting with former PD leader Mary Harney to assuring multinationals of their economic credentials, Sinn Féin is attempting a delicate balancing act of talking tough in public while being more amenable to big business in private.

Altada chiefs rejected new funding deal that would require them to step back

The celebrated Cork-based AI company says it is seeking bridging finance while it waits for ...