Letter From America

Marion McKeone: Lady Maga’s role as advocate is no armour against far-right fury

Now that Roe V Wade has been dealt with, the Maga show must go on – with staunch backing from a most unlikely supporter. But it’s sad that drag queen Ryan Woods craves the approval of an avowed homophobic and transphobic group

Lady Maga USA aka Ryan Woods is attempting to escape the opprobrium of the far right by preaching their gospel

On Saturday afternoon, en route from an impromptu Trump press conference at the CPAC Grand Guignol tableau in Maryland, I saw a group of young men, decked out in slim suits and red Maga baseball caps, harassing and jeering a drag artist in an early 19th-century hoop dress. It takes a brave person to poke the transphobic Maga bear in its den, I thought, given the anti-transgender vitriol that saturated the four-day gathering.

But Ryan ...