Artificial Intelligence

John Walsh: We have to prepare ourselves for the best and the worst that AI could bring

The debate is still raging on whether the dangers outweigh the opportunities inherent in developing artificial intelligence. But as the EU prepares to pass an act regulating the burgeoning sector, Ireland needs to plan ahead, or regret it

The EU’s impending AI Act will be the biggest factor shaping the future of AI in this country. Picture: Getty

Anybody with a nervous disposition should probably give a recent long essay on the future of artificial intelligence a wide berth. The piece was written by Ian Hogarth, a prominent investor in the AI sector, so his warnings carry some weight.

Hogarth mapped out a dystopian future where ‘godlike’ AI not only supplants human beings, it poses an existential threat to the future of the planet. Indeed, some of his postulations could have been lifted ...