
Stripe ‘robustly cashflow positive’ and investing for the long term

Annual letter from the company’s founders says more than 100 companies are now processing more than $1 billion per year with Stripe

Patrick and John Collison: the brothers said being cashflow positive allows it to “invest for the long term”. Picture: Kevin Moloney

Stripe was “robustly cashflow positive” last year and expects to be again in 2024, its founders said on Wednesday.

Patrick and John Collison said in an annual letter that the firm’s liquidity will allow it to “invest for the long term, building what we believe our users need 10 years from now, without regard for the natural volatility of capital markets.”

As revealed in the Business Post recently, the Collison brothers confirmed that businesses running on Stripe passed the $1 trillion in total payment volume milestone in 2023. This is equivalent to 1 per cent of global GDP, it said.