Irish software company Sidero acquired by Hitachi subsidiary

GlobalLogic, a Hitachi group company headquartered in Silicon Valley, has bought the Athlone-based business led by Carmel Owens

Carmel Owens, chief executive of Sidero, which has been acquired by GlobalLogic

Sidero, an Athlone-based software engineering company, has been acquired by a division of Hitachi for an undisclosed sum.

Led by Carmel Owens, Sidero develops and manages software systems for large organisations, including government bodies, telcos, and financial services businesses. Its expertise is in technologies such as radio access networks (RAN), self-optimising networks (SON), cloud, and agile computing.

Employing approximately 250 people in Athlone and Newry, Sidero’s main market to date has been Ireland but it ...