Eamonn Carey: Subscription costs have gotten too high

Illegal downloads are on the rise due to the greed of companies seeking to increase subscription costs. Maybe it’s time for a rethink, says Eamonn Carey

The world of Kazaa, Napster and the Pirate Bay is the one Spotify, Netflix and others entered in the late 2000s and early 2010s

Remember when home taping killed music?

Anti-piracy campaigns are a hoot. The infamous 2004 ‘you wouldn’t steal a car’ ad was on every DVD I rented from Xtravision. It did little to combat the issue at hand, but it did lead to a ripe harvest of memes and a great two-minute sketch in the IT Crowd a few years later. Oddly enough, a paper published in The Information Society suggested that these campaigns had the ...