
Mary Lou McDonald condemns Hamas, voices ‘frustration’ with Palestinian occupation

Sinn Féin leader is an outlier in her party in condemning outright the Hamas ambush in Israel

Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Féin leader: “Scenes where a lot of young people were out enjoying themselves and to meet with such a violent and traumatic death is just truly horrific, and I understand perfectly the sense of trauma that’s been expressed.” Picture: Fergal Phillips

Mary Lou McDonald has condemned the Hamas attack on Israel, but defended meeting with the leaders the Palestinian military group a number of years ago.

The Sinn Féin leader described the fallout of Saturday’s ambush in Israel - which has resulted in appropriately 1,300 deaths on both sides - as “truly horrific”.

“The targeting of civilians and the taking of hostages is to be condemned outright,” she told RTÉ’s News At One, echoing sentiments expressed ...