
Scheme to repair fire safety defects in Celtic Tiger-era apartments only the first step - SCSI

The surveyors body said the full cost of repairing fire safety and structural defects in up to 100,000 Celtic Tiger-era apartments will be close to €2.5bn

Darragh O’Brien, the Minister for Housing, said the interim remediation scheme would be operated by the Housing Agency

The €75 million interim remediation scheme opened by the government this week to provide funding for apartment buildings with significant fire and structural defects is a welcome first step but much more needs to be done, the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) has warned.

On Monday, Darragh O’Brien, the Minister for Housing, launched the interim scheme, which seeks to provide initial funding to owners of apartments built between 1991 and 2013 that require remedial ...