
Johnny Ronan group appeals ruling over €1m Bewley’s stained-glass windows

High Court judge found only four of set of six Harry Clarke windows in Grafton Street café belonged to landlord RGRE

Harry Clarke’s stained glass windows in Bewley’s Cafe, Grafton Street. The judge ruled that RGRE owned four of them but had failed to prove its case in relation to the two known as the Swan Yard works. Picture: Fergal Phillips

Johnny Ronan is continuing his fight for ownership of the full set of Harry Clarke stained-glass windows that hung in Bewley’s on Grafton Street.

Ronan Group Real Estate (RGRE), which owns the building in which the historic café is located, filed a notice of appeal last week against a decision to award ownership of two of the six windows dating from 1928 to Bewley’s Café Grafton Street Limited.

The six windows, which are worth more ...