
Adversarial planning system is holding back renewable energy delivery - McDonald

The Sinn Féin leader said the state is not moving fast enough to enable the delivery of large scale solar energy projects to help meet climate targets

Mary Lou McDonald, leader of Sinn Féin, said the planning system remains “wracked with uncertainty” for renewable energy developers

The government has “failed to grasp” the scale of the opportunity presented by solar power as the “adversarial” planning system continues to hold up renewable energy projects, Mary Lou McDonald has said.

Delivering the keynote address at the annual conference of the Irish Solar Energy Association (ISEA), the leader of Sinn Féin called on the government to urgently develop a new strategic plan for renewable energy to help speed up the delivery of projects. She added that delays in the system meant many developers were losing revenues guaranteed under the state-backed contracts they obtained in the Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS) auctions.