
Stopping the presses

Peter Vandermeersch, the self-confessed ‘hard and direct’ chief executive of Mediahuis Ireland, is bullish about the strategy of moving the company’s titles into a digital-only future

Peter Vandermeersch, publisher of Mediahuis Ireland, formerly Independent News & Media, predicts daily print papers will largely ‘disappear’ by the end of the decade. Illustration: Graeme Keyes

In his first year as publisher of Mediahuis Ireland – formerly Independent News and Media – Peter Vandermeersch told staff that the strategy was “digital first, and that means print second”.

This month marks the fourth anniversary of Mediahuis’s acquisition of INM. Vandermeersch is now the chief executive, and it is clear the strategy has shifted to digital only.

In April, he dropped a bombshell with his frank assessment that daily print papers would largely ...