
Field of dreams – what might have been if we were hosting Rugby World Cup

If Ireland had won the rights to hold the event, it might have gone well or maybe not but our failure to do so would probably be regarded as irrelevant if we could what many say we are capable of and win it

Pictured at the bid announcement in 2016 for the 2023 Rugby World Cup in the Aviva Stadium were (l-r, titles appropriate in 2016) Simon Hamilton, Minster for the Economy, Patrick O'Donovan TD, Minister of State for Tourism and Sport, Shane Ross TD, Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Frances Fitzgerald TD, An Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality, Martin McGuinness, Deputy First Minister, Brian O'Driscoll, Bid Ambassador, An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD, Dick Spring, Chairman of Ireland's RWC 2023 Bid Oversight Board, Stephen Hilditch IRFU President and Philip Browne, chief executive of the IRFU.Picture: Inpho