
Edmond Scanlon: ‘The Kerry today is very different to five years ago. And in five years, it will be different again’

Despite its recent difficulties, the chief executive of Kerry Group is buoyant about the future of the Irish food giant

Edmond Scanlon, chief executive of Kerry Group: ‘Over recent months we’re starting to see signs that things are picking up.’ Picture: Barry Cronin

It’s late afternoon and the light is beginning to fade as Edmond Scanlon looks out the ground floor window of Kerry Group’s global innovation centre just outside Naas in Co Kildare.

The Kerry chief executive has had a busy day hosting a number of institutional investors at the campus, who came to see first-hand how the Irish taste and nutrition giant engages with its customers.

“Maybe two or three times a year we will bring investors through the facility. The purpose is to let them see and engage with our team, and meet the people who do the work. It’s to show investors what Kerry actually does,” Scanlon tells the Business Post.