
Dan Mulhall, veteran diplomat: ‘I saw things I never expected to see and never want to see again’

Dan Mulhall spent 44 years and four months with the Department of Foreign Affairs; here he recounts key moments from his career, from the Good Friday agreement to the 2004 tsunami, and explains why Ireland has ‘a particular gift’ for soft power

Dan Mulhall: ‘Diplomacy is a long-haul business, for the most part’

When Dan Mulhall, the veteran Irish diplomat, was posted in Brussels in the early 1990s, he often had to deal with a British journalist called Boris Johnson.

The then European correspondent for the Daily Telegraph became famous for coming up with a stream of Brussels-bashing stories which later turned out to be fake news. They included EU plans to ban prawn cocktail crisps, to blow up its Berlaymont headquarters, and to standardise coffin sizes. None ...