Big Read: Marion McKeone on the inner tensions gripping the US Supreme Court as it continues to lurch to the right

Like so many of the other cracks beneath the veneer of US democracy, Supreme Court dysfunction didn’t start with Donald Trump’s presidency, but it was a whole lot worse by the end of it

The US Supreme Court, which planning to revisit the seminal Roe vs Wade judgment. Picture: Washington Post via Getty

In Washington DC, where myriad architectural masterpieces jockey for prominence, none is as stop-in-your-tracks impressive as the Supreme Court. It’s by no means the biggest of Washington’s buildings. It’s dwarfed by the Capitol Building, its resplendent neighbour, which stands a few hundred yards to its west, and by the Senate office buildings to its north and the Library of Congress to its south. But when it comes to power and prestige, the Marble Temple has ...