How to bounce back from burnout

Siobhán Murray spent her early professional life as a music-industry minder, staying out late with the stars. Having re-trained as a psychotherapist, her book The Burnout Solution is full of tools for when the going gets overwhelmingly tough

Siobhán Murray, who worked in the record industry for years, has produced a self-help book for people who feel they can no longer cope Pic: Bryan Meade

Siobhán Murray still sighs ruefully when she thinks back to the acknowledgements on the liner notes of the hit record Inner City Life, made by drum ‘n’ bass artist Goldie, who, back in the 1990s, was a mainstream superstar. In the credits, Goldie gives a special thanks to ‘Gracie’, his assistant. “‘Gracie’ was his name for me,” Murray says, with a laugh. “Because he had seen the movie State of Grace, about the ...