
Some may scoff, but an Irish conductor is proving that video games are invigorating classical music

Depending on your point of view, classical music compositions for video games are either wonderful or appalling but despite some fearing its detrimental effect on ‘proper’ classical music, there’s evidence it’s rejuvenating the genre - Sara Keating writes

Irish conductor Eímear Noone specialises in composing and conducting video game music, including the score for World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor

“Video killed the radio star,” The Buggles sang in 1979, an upbeat evocation for pre-plastic days produced on the latest cutting edge musical technology with the band’s tongues firmly in their cheeks.

The song has been much cited in popular culture, and these days its lyrics could be easily adapted for a more prescient commentary on contemporary music: “Video games killed the classical music star.” Depending where on the spectrum of cultural snobbery you sit, ...