
Sara Keating: What British censorship of Republican rap trio Kneecap says about the arts

The Arts Council of England released a statement this week declaring that "political statements" made by individuals linked to arts organisation can cause "reputational risk", breaching funding agreements

Kneecap members Liam Óg ‘Mo Chara’ Ó hAnnaidh, Naoise ‘Móglaí Bap’ Ó Cairealláin and JJ Ó ‘DJ Próvaí’ Dochartaigh

“Guess who's back in the news?” Why it's your favourite gaeilgeoir hip-hop group, Kneecap, whose film biopic sold to Sony Picture Classics at Sundance festival last month.

It was an amazing cultural coup eclipsed only by the group’s recent censorship by the British government, who have refused the Republican trio access to £15,000 worth of arts funding that they were awarded as part of the Export Growth Scheme – an independent, government-backed initiative designed to ...