
Post punk outfit Dry Cleaning need to turn up the volume

Whelan’s crowd are left struggling to hear frontwoman Florence Shaw’s droll assertions

Florence Shaw, frontwoman of Dry Cleaning. The musicians play their parts with the ferocity of a hardcore metal outfit, while Shaw, in contrast, speaks rather than sings her surreal lyrics. Picture: Getty

Dry Cleaning, Whelan’s, Dublin, April 10, rating: **

Dry Cleaning are about three songs into their set when angry fans start complaining about the sound. “We can’t hear a word she’s saying,” shouts one. “There’s definitely something wrong,” utters another in exasperation. The sound man shrugs his shoulders. “This is how they sound,” he says.

There’s a bit of truth to that. But tonight, at the second of the post-punk outfit’s two sold-out shows in ...