Arts & Living

Kieran Cuddihy, Newstalk: From using the elegantly used F-word to why I snubbed Bernie Sanders

Living in Kilkenny but working in Dublin means a lengthy commute, but the coffee on the M9 keeps the Newstalk broadcaster sane

Kieran Cuddihy: ‘Katherine Lynch and Mary McEvoy join me to discuss the unique beauty of a well placed F-bomb, and bad language in general. It being live radio, a few expletives slip out on air. Not ideal, but that’s the nature of the beast’

Monday, February 12

My working week kicks off on Monday behind the wheel.

Commuting is a big part of my day, every day. I live in Kilkenny, but the Newstalk studio is in Dublin city centre. That means I leave home shortly after 11am to ensure that I reach the office in plenty of time for the 1pm production meeting.

Some people think I’m mad, but I don’t mind it. I enjoy the time in ...