
Joe Hogan, master basket maker: ‘A scent I associate with childhood? The smell of newly mown hay from our neighbour’s field’

Joe Hogan has been making baskets at Galway’s Loch na Fooey since 1978. A master craftsman, he has been commissioned to create baskets for international dignitaries and for designer fashion houses including Loewe

Joe Hogan, master basket maker: “Which famous guests to have at a dinner party? I would probably be more comfortable in the company of less famous people.“ Picture: Michael McLaughlin

Can you tell me a little about your background, before you started your current career?

I was a student at University College Galway, where I studied history and philosophy before I became a basket maker.

What's a scent that you associate with your childhood?

The smell of newly mown hay from our neighbour's field.

What's your motto for life?

Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself.

Which musicians are your biggest influences ...