
Eithne Shortall: Doctors are not deities but well-educated fallible humans, and too often our children bear the cost

Trust is vital when you’re literally putting the life of your children in the hands of the medical profession, so where does that leave parents after the Temple Street spinal surgery investigation?

The spinal surgery story is so alarming because it involves medical care, a sector that requires and receives a massive amount of trust, and children, the citizens we most cherish and seek to protect

One morning last week, I was pacing the corridors of Temple Street hospital. I passed several other parents doing the same route. We acknowledged our shared situation with a nod or tight smile. All of us had children on the operating tables upstairs, while we remained on the level below, waiting. We watched the clock, distracted ourselves with phones and chit-chat, and paced.

After nearly a year’s wait, our four-year-old was getting grommets. These are ...