
Enet casts a wide net with its range of innovative services

Ireland’s largest open-access telecoms network provider has benefited hugely from participating in the Best Managed Companies programme

Peter McCarthy, chief executive, Enet: says the company has benefited from participating in Ireland’s Best Managed Companies programme

Established in 2000, Enet is Ireland’s largest open-access telecoms network provider, operating the biggest alternative wholesale telecoms network in the country.

With offices in Limerick and Dublin, the company also offers carriers a wide and innovative range of world-class fibre and wireless wholesale products and services, ranging from managed connectivity, to infrastructure access, direct internet access and white label broadband, with over a million people benefiting from wholesale networks.

Last year, Enet announced a €50 million-plus investment in fibre networks in multiple locations around Ireland. Chief executive Peter McCarthy says the company has benefited from participating in Ireland’s Best Managed Companies programme.

Brand awareness

“Being involved in the programme has offered us the opportunity to create strong awareness for the Enet brand with clients, suppliers and existing and potential employees,” he said. “It has also allowed us to develop a strong employer brand which has increased pride and loyalty among our existing team, while also allowing us to attract talent. It has enhanced brand positioning which has a positive impact on sales, customer acquisition, customer retention, revenue and profit. In addition to this, it has allowed us to engage in a variety of networking opportunities with existing and potential clients as well as both existing and potential suppliers.

“Being a part of the programme has also highlighted to us the importance of being part of recognition programmes and has helped us to identify similar companies which are operating in the same space as companies we want to do business with.”

Having been named as a winner in the programme, McCarthy believes there are a number of different reasons why the company stands out.

Core values and adaptability

“Enet is an innovative, employee-focused and customer-centric business and this is reflected in our corporate strategy, which allows us to remain true to our core values while also adapting to the evolving changes in both society and our economy,” he said.

“This external growth strategy is multi-faceted, with a focus on a combination of organic growth, new product development, network expansion, cost savings, and M&A activity.

“In addition to this, our commitment to our internal team is a top priority. We believe that by investing in our employees, we are ensuring that we retain a loyal and motivated workforce which is aligned with our goals and values.”

In-house programmes

McCarthy says that training and learning opportunities include professional development plans, specialised training programmes, which are “run in-house to facilitate for key specialisms in areas of telecoms and access to accredited education” and which aim to help its people to “acquire new skills and advance their careers in the business, such as upskilling a whole department on project management and enabling them to get Dip accreditation to support other areas in the business”.

“We also offer tuition support and special leave to allow our people to attend classes, undertake exams and attend graduations,” he said. “This investment in employee growth and development helps to keep our people engaged and motivated, while also providing the company with a more skilled and knowledgeable workforce. EDI and ESG are also core priorities for the business.”

Clear goals

McCarthy would advise other businesses who are considering signing up for the Ireland’s Best Managed Companies programme to do what they can to make the most of it.

“I would advise them to be very clear on what they want to achieve from the programme, outside of recognition,” he said.

‘Unwavering commitment’

McCarthy said the company is “fuelled by an unwavering commitment to excellence in the telecommunications sector” and that this dedication has positioned the company “at the forefront of advancements in global communications”, empowering it to “to fulfil evolving client needs while expanding their reach, offering innovative telecommunications solutions within the domestic landscape and on the international stage”.