Editor's picks

Editor’s picks: Sit down with the best of this weekend’s big reads

Our editors handpick some of the best writing in today’s Business Post – including new details about the fall of Robert Troy and why WeWork is making a comeback

Robert Troy, the former junior enterprise minister: his fall has focused attention on politicians and their business and property dealings. Picture: Collins

About a Troy: A politician brought down by the details of his property mini-empire

Once a rising star in Fianna Fáil, Robert Troy is this weekend counting the cost to his ministerial career after more and more details emerged of the errors and omissions in his declarations of his property interests.

Flexible space: Second coming of WeWork set to make original vision pay off

Following the spectacular fall of WeWork founder Adam Neumann in 2019, the office provider is re-establishing itself as a power in its field, and preparing to capitalise on the current turmoil in the post-pandemic office market. Will its gambits work?