Editor's picks

Editor’s picks: Sit down with the best of our big reads

Our editors handpick the best writing in this week’s Business Post – including the lowdown on the mood in Ireland’s tech industry, and an exclusive interview with Health Minister Stephen Donnelly

Steve Byrne and his wife Claire who have been living off-grid for 12 years and now sells off-grid kits to help others do the same. Picture: Colm Lenaghan/Pacemaker

While sympathetic to those who have been laid off, some commentators say the job cuts could be a boon to indigenous companies and help rebalance our economy.

‘Over time, you’ll see if NBI does a good job and you’ll see what legacy I leave’ – David McCourt

David McCourt, the businessman in charge of Ireland’s National Broadband Plan, talks about the rollout targets, delays and controversies, and his conviction that despite this, the project has a bright future.

Listen: Stephen Donnelly on the pandemic, politics and the quest for universal healthcare

In a Business Post exclusive, Tony O’Brien talks to Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly about his baptism of fire, his relationship with former HSE boss Paul Reid, Sláintecare, and ‘finishing the job’.

Power to the people: How technology is helping a new generation to tune out

Advances in solar and wind technology and mobile internet have changed the game for the increasing number of people who choose to go off-grid, keen to live a more sustainable and cost-effective life.

The risk of recession: is Ireland headed for a new downturn?

All barometers point to a coming recession in Europe, with a number of key indicators ‘flashing red’. Ireland, however, is heading into this period of uncertainty on a stronger economic footing than it was in 2008.