
Lucinda Creighton: Any misstep on economy or immigration could dent Sinn Féin’s election prospects

The opposition will face greater scrutiny as ballots approach as blip in the party’s polling gives Coalition a boost

Mary Lou McDonald, leader of Sinn Féin: ‘A party of protest and permanent opposition is treated differently by the public and the media than a putative party of government.’ Picture: Getty

A dip in Sinn Féin’s performance in some opinion polls before Christmas was beginning to cause a stir. The almost unbroken positive polling streak for the party since the middle of 2020 was interrupted by some polls showing the party dropping 2 or 3 percentage points, showing signs of vulnerability for the first time.

The beleaguered government parties began to feel a small pep in their step as the prospect of Sinn Féin electoral landslides ...