Business Post's View

Editorial: Society and the law need to do more to protect whistleblowers

Whistleblowers can suffer enormous personal, professional and financial consequences from going public with their concerns – and fear of reprisals can deter others from speaking up

The cases of high-profile whistleblowers, from Maurice McCabe in Ireland to Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange internationally, show just how extreme the consequences of revealing wrongdoing can be

Are whistleblowers a force for good or a nuisance? The answer to this question can often depend on which side of the fence you find yourself on when somebody decides to speak out about wrongdoing.

Tribalism can be a very dark characteristic of human nature. While it helps people to bond and cooperate under common banners, it is also the driving force of corrosive behaviour’s that isolate and vilify the ‘others’ in our midst.

Whistleblowers ...