Analysis: David Cullinane offers Sláintecare with a Sinn Féin stamp

The main opposition health spokesman has been touring the country in a bid to put together a health policy if his party is voted into government. He’s also seeking to skirt Gerry Adams-themed Christmas controversy

David Cullinane: the Sinn Féin health spokesman says his party will ‘deliver’ on healthcare if it’s voted into government. Picture: Gareth Chaney/Collins

David Cullinane, the Sinn Féin health spokesman, has been doing a tour of the country’s major hospitals in a “getting ready for government” drive.

He has met the management of 14 hospitals and 48 different health sector trade unions, associations and patient groups.

It is all part of his attempt to put together a health policy that he could implement if he became the health minister in the next government.

Knowing full well that this ...