Exhibition events calendar

Your guide to the top art exhibitions taking place online and around the country

Pulse I & II by Rachel Joynt, one of the artists whose work is included in the Summer Group Show at the Solomon Gallery in Dublin.

Until August 15: Less Jam, More Havoc: exhibition of works by Kelly Ratchford and Jaki Coffey; Olivier Cornet Gallery, 3 Great Denmark Street, Dublin 1; see oliviercornetgallery.com

Until August 21: Memento Mori: an exhibition of 1,845 handblown glass potatoes dedicated to the Irish Potato Famine, by Paula Stokes; Johnstown Castle Estate and Gardens; see johnstowncastle.ie

Until August 27: Beyond Survival: exhibition by Cork Printmakers; Studio 12, Backwater Artist Studios, 5 Wandesford Quay, Cork: see backwaterartists.ie