Why does Greta Thunberg annoy so many people?

There is a body of people who just cannot take being guided, told, warned – call it what you will – by a young woman who has a clear message and refuses to play the game, political or personal

Greta Thunberg: 'Steadfast in her story'

Most people worry when they hear about vanishing species and plastic in the oceans andburning forests. Most people puzzle about the fact that the hottest five years since records began have been the last five years (as tracked by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). And most people know in their everyday lives that something is changing in the wider world, even if they don’t possess all the facts.

So why is it that Greta Thunberg both puzzles and annoys so many people? Why is it so difficult to believe thata 16-year old might have a fully functioning brain and be able to offer opinions on life and the universe and the challenges faced by all of us? Why is she being treated with such contempt and receiving death threats?