Average salary expected to rise 5-10% this year as Great Resignation continues

Morgan McKinley’s latest salary guide indicates that more than 80 per cent of workers are considering a career move in the next 6-12 months

“We’re currently seeing the most demanding employment markets of our time,” said Trayc Keevans, global FDI director at Morgan McKinley Ireland. Picture: Getty

The average salary is likely to rise between 5-10 per cent in 2022, and as much as 15-20 per cent in certain sectors, as employees vote with their feet and continue the pandemic trend known as “The Great Resignation”, new data showed.

The Morgan McKinley 2022 Irish Salary Guide, an analysis of pay across a range of professions and sectors, drew from a survey conducted among hiring decision makers from 62 companies and 4,134 professionals ...