
Spirit level: how one Irish distiller foiled a crypto scam

Crowdfunding can be a great way for a business to get an injection of cash, but as Peter Mulryan of the Blackwater Distillery discovered, it has its risks

Peter Mulryan, founder of Blackwater Distillery in Waterford: ‘investors’ wanted to know if he would accept their investment in crypto currency. Picture: Patrick Browne

Peter Mulryan, the founder of Blackwater Distillery in west Waterford, recently decided to raise some money via crowdfunding. It’s an increasingly popular and useful form of raising cash, especially for businesses like whiskey distilleries. The cost of making whiskey can be very high in the early years, and the wait until that whiskey can be sold to bring in revenue can be quite long.

Another positive benefit of crowdfunding is that it can alert bigger ...